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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Local Organic Farmers

What Is Organic Farming?
Organic farming refers to the process by which farmers meticulously avoid adding fungicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers to their production. Food that is produced in this manner is considered to be of high quality and very safe for human consumption. Organic ranchers produce their products with the help of renewable resources and by conserving soil and water so that the future generations can make use of this preserved environment.
Meats can be organically produced as well. For instance, organic poultry, dairy products and eggs can be acquired without any enhancements. Their quantities, as well as, quality are high without the use of growth hormones and antibiotics. Organic vegetables too are grown without the use of additional fertilizers, pesticides and bio-engineered seeds. Instead of using insecticides, organic farming processes make use of insects and birds to manage production and reduce pests. The animals on organic farms are allowed to graze freely so that the quality of their life transcends into the quality of their consumable-product. This is a striking contrast to the meats produced by animals treated with hormones and antibiotics as the meat too shows signs of stress.
How are Additives in Our Food Connected to Our Environment?
Adding unnatural substances to the growing and preserving process of different foods is not good for the human body. Thus, organic farmers use natural ways to produce and preserve food products by following the organic certification rules outlined by organic governing agencies. Although, many non-organic farmers find this to be too difficult of an option, as natural additives grow slowly and cost more. Organic farmers are contributing toward less chemicals entering into our ground water. This measure ensures the consumer product, be it veggies or meat, AND our water supply are more health enhancing. Some organic farmers even take the time to dig dug-outs on their land to capture additional rain water to restore greater quality ground water.
How do Unnatural Additives Affect Us?
Unnatural additives are used to make sure that food products retain a desired level of quality so that they can have a longer shelf life. However, these additives actually end up causing more harm than good. Different ailments, diseases and illnesses are known to stem from the consumption of unnatural additives. Acids, anti-foaming agents, anti-caking agents, food coloring, bulking agents, flavor enhancers and emulsifiers are all types of unnatural additives.
Why Organic Farming?
As the population in the world keeps increasing, there are more hungry people to feed every day. With an increasing need to feed the growing population, the use of unethical practices keeps increasing too. It may be so to big-business, profit is most important than the consumers' health thus large corporate owned farms have resorted to utilizing genetically engineered seed, pesticides and insecticides. Food is not the only victim to such unethical practices. The environment has become a victim too. Encroachment of natural habitats, contamination of ground water and land clearing are among other challenges we and future generations will have to contend with if these go unchecked.
The organic ranchers and the organic consumer are improving the state of our soil, our water, air quality and our health by growing and consuming organic products and practicing an organically balanced lifestyle. The greater number of consumers who shop organic, the more soil, water and good health we preserve and strengthen. Be kind to yourself and your environment, put the garbage in the garbage, reuse what can be safely reused, recycle and buy from local organic farmers.

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