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Friday, January 31, 2014

Can You Make Mozzarella At Home?

Some people who really love cheese want to be able to have fresh mozzarella whenever they choose but this is a problem if you don't want to have to go to the store or wait for your cheese to arrive in the mail. That is why many people are starting to learn how to make mozzarella using mozzarella stretching curd. Although it sounds as if it should be a complicated process, it is actually fairly simple. If you have the right supplies you can make the cheese fairly quickly and don't need much room either, so even if you have a small apartment you have this option.


If you want to make mozzarella at home, the best way to do so is to buy some mozzarella stretching curd, which you can get from most reputable cheese retailers. This curd is the main ingredient in the process and makes it incredibly easy. Other than that, you just need a large stainless steel bowl, a knife or spoon, water and ice. It can also help to have a thermometer on hand and you may want to wear gloves as the process can sometimes be a bit messier than some people like.

Stretching The Mozzarella

Once you have all of your supplies, you can start the process of actually stretching your mozzarella which is what it is called when you make fresh mozzarella out of stretching curd. To start, place your mozzarella stretching curd in your large mixing bowl and then use a knife of spoon to break it up into smaller pieces. Take some water and heat it up so it's about 140 or 150 degrees Fahrenheit and add this to your curd (this is where the thermometer may be helpful).

Leave the stretching curd in the hot water for a few minutes so it softens enough to start reforming into a clump. At this point you should use your knife or spoon to help the curd clump back together. Once the water has cooled down a bit and the curd is in one piece, you are ready to stretch your mozzarella. If you want to protect your hands from the heat, put on a pair of rubber gloves first. Then gently pull the stretching curd apart and then let its own weight pull it back downward. You should keep doing this until your cheese develops a smooth surface and then put the mozzarella in ice water for five or ten minutes to cool. You can either eat your fresh mozzarella right away or store it for later.

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