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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Food Challenges More Daring Than Mexican Fast Food

Sometimes a burrito from the local Mexican fast food joint seems like a digestive challenge. Especially if you're in a hurry and not hitting a place with fresh, made-from-scratch food. Digesting a giant Mexican fast food feast can also be a culinary challenge.
But there are bigger challenges out there. Scarier ones. Ones that can drive you to your knees. Are you brave enough to try any of these?
1. Milk Chug Chicanery
Milk is a great accompaniment to Mexican fast food-it cuts the spicy, helps you digest. But milk also has its dark side.
Here's the deal. Someone hands you an entire gallon of cold, refreshing milk. You drink it. All of it. All at once. And you have to do it in under an hour, too. And you can't throw up, either. You got to hold it down, and then you've got to do a victory lap.
What's that you say? That sounds disgusting? Of course it's disgusting! It's the worst. But it's also pretty impressive, you have to admit. That's an iron stomach you got there, amigo, and no one's gonna take that away from you.
2. Saltine Cracker Craziness
Pretty Polly want a cracker? Pretty Polly want SIX crackers? We bet Polly doesn't, because do you know how hard it is to chew and swallow six Saltine crackers in six minutes? We bet you don't, if you think you're totally up for this one. In fact, if you're saying, "bring it on!" you have no idea what you're in for. Think about what it might be like to eat sand. Go on. And now think of something worse than that. No wait-get to your third cracker, and then get back to us.
3. Cinnamon Madness
A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down, but a spoon full of cinnamon? It sounds like it should be delicious, right? Like pure, undiluted essence of that gorgeous Dulce de Leche you buy at your favorite made-from-scratch Mexican fast food joint. But oh, no, amigo. You don't even know. Go ahead. Ingest a spoon full of cinnamon. Just one, in one bite. Try it. We'll be back here-way, way back here-watching.
4. Stick of Butter Silliness
Mm, butter. Butter makes everything better. Rich, creamy fatty delicious golden butter turning everything rich and delicious. When you cook it. But what happens when someone challenges you to eat an entire stick of butter in one sitting? As fast as you can? We think maybe you and butter will have a very, very different relationship.
5. Pound of Steak Absurdity
Oh man, steak, right? Juicy, delicious, marinated, grilled to perfection steak. You sit down and tuck into one of those gorgeous fire-grilled steak burritos and you think oh man, this is the life. I could spend the rest of it just eating steak. All the steak. As long as it's rubbed with secret spices. As long as it is this steak, right here, which has captured my heart.
But you probably haven't ever tried to eat an entire pound of steak. In less than ten minutes. You probably also don't want to know what that's going to do to your gut. Or maybe you do! We did establish that you are pretty, pretty loco amigo.
So tackle one of these challenges, and get back to us! Nosh a stick of butter, put away a pound of steak, chomp some crackers-we don't care! We just want to see the photographic proof.

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