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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Four Techniques To Get Rid Of Cellulite After Having Lost Weight

In a bid to lose weight, many resort to crash dieting and rigorous exercise. Diet and exercise helps for weight loss, but often leaves one struggling with another cosmetic issue - Cellulite. The inner and outer thighs bear the worst telltale signs of this skin problem. It is defined as the puckered appearance of skin on the hips, thighs and buttocks. It is also called "cottage cheese" or "orange peel" phenomenon because of its dimpled appearance. If you have developed cellulite as a result of sudden weight loss, here are 4 techniques to reverse the problem.
Cellulite does not affect obese and overweight individuals only. It affects all expect that its appearance varies based on the distribution of fat. If you are overweight, weight loss you will see the best reductions. However, if you are at optimum weight and then drop pounds your cellulite condition will likely get worse instead of improving. Weight loss loosens skin and makes the dimples more conspicuous.
4 Techniques to Get Rid of Cellulite
1. The Right Diet:
Diet plays a major role in erasing cellulite after drastic weight loss. Your diet should include antioxidant rich-foods. Antioxidants keep the amount of free radicals in check and thus preserve the elasticity of collagen fibers. Collagen is a connective tissue that supports the skin structure. Weakened connective tissues have an irregular, lumpy texture. Antioxidants prevent skin oxidation by free radicals and thus keep the skin smooth and supple. They strengthen the connective tissue. Bright colored berries namely grapefruit, cherries, blueberries and strawberries are rich source of antioxidants. You should also include foods rich in Vitamin A, C and E.
2. Increase Fluid Intake:
Not many are aware of how body fluids influence the appearance of cellulite. When the skin is dry and devoid of moisture, cellulite looks worse. Hence, you should drink plenty of water. An optimum level of body fluids restores skin hydration and reduces the dimpled appearance of skin. Along with increasing your intake of water, you can eat fruits and vegetables with high water content namely watermelons, cucumbers, strawberries, peaches and salad vegetables. Another alternative is fresh fruit juices.
3. Using Cellulite Creams and Supplements:
There are dozens of creams and lotion available in the market. Caffeine, vitamin C, vitamin E, aminophylline and theophylline are common ingredients in these creams and supplements. They combat cellulite by speeding up fat metabolism and improving blood circulation. It boosts the production of collagen supports skin cell renewal. Most cellulite creams and supplements are available as over-the-counter dietary supplements. Their quality and effectiveness are controlled by the FDA. Collagen injections have also gained popularity as a cellulite treatment. Injections firm and lift sagging skin and even out it appearance. Collagen injections though effective are still being studied. They are costly and are a short-term fix for cellulite.
4. Exercise:
Increasing level of activity also helps to improve the appearance of puckered skin. Exercise tightens the skin and improves blood circulation.
So, get rid of your thigh cellulite and get ready to sleep into your favorite bikini.


  1. Great post – thanks!
    The World's Healthiest Foods website has a useful list of foods to increase collagen/prevent collagen brakdown here
    Supplements For Cellulite

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